Verbatim's new VxRGB LED lamp for True-Colour performance
An introduction to a very interesting new LED product that is specifically designed for high-end clients in jewelry stores, museums, high-end retail stores, hospitality etc. We now sell the brand new Verbatim VxRGB True Colour LED lamp. The VxRGB is a special (only one in their range currently). It is designed as a ‘True Colour’ lamp, based on completely new technology that renders the entire colour spectrum (unlike old CRI/Ra standards which are skewed and incomplete esp. with LEDs). This lamp is manufactured using a violet chip (instead of blue), and uses a mix of red, green, and blue phosphors instead of just yellow phosphor. During a Verbatim demonstration we looked at a few sample items using standard halogen, standard LED, and the VxRGB, and sure enough the VxRGB made the colours really vital and clear (e.g. the guys navy blue sports jacket was really navy blue instead of black!). The VxRGB lamp works best by installing it alongside regular LED lamps, as the regular LED l...