Thorn develops bespoke LED luminaire for Wm Morrisons multi-store refurbishment
Like every national retailer, Wm Morrisons has energy and carbon reduction at the top of its green agenda. Head of Energy at Wm Morrisons, Stuart Kirk, has a target to reduce energy expenditure by £17 million while maintaining high quality lighting, which is so integral to the shopping experience. In May 2012 Stuart approached Thorn to request a bespoke retrofit LED luminaire, which could be easily mounted into the Thorn Arena Trough system. The recessed system had been installed in most of the traditional Wm Morrisons stores for over 20 years using fluorescent T8 lamps and HF control gear. Stuart therefore saw an LED solution as a quick-win to reducing the overall lighting load. Bespoke designs put to the test Thorn worked with Ian Jagger, Electrical Services Projects Manager at Wm Morrisons and project management and installation partner, IES to develop a bespoke LED luminaire for the high level shop floor lighting which would replicate the distribution of the T8 l...