GE reshuffles brass to stir up lighting innovation
Reconvergence: Beth Comstock has helped guide industry convergence before, when she ran digital media for NBC Universal and the Googles were infiltrating traditional film and broadcasting. She'll try it again at GE as the lighting industry goes Net. LUX Magazine reports: When you're an aging corporate conglomerate and you're trying to decide how your lighting division can survive in the digital era, do you a) get rid of it, or b) try to infuse it with an innovative spirit? For Philips and Siemens the answer has veered toward 'a,' most recently with Philips' announcement this week that it will seek 'alternative ownership' for its lighting group, a move that echoes Siemens' 2013 spin-off of its Osram lighting company. At GE however they're taking a new crack at 'b' with a quiet corporate restructuring in which CEO Jeff Immelt has fused GE Lighting with a division charged with 'growth and innovation' and whose boss, Be...